Friday, October 16, 2009

Stay close to me
Let my Spirit find home and overwhelm your heart
With what I desire and who I am
So that you will know what prayers to bring to the Father
Live each moment with your eyes truly open
Never stop bringing yourself and your brothers and sisters to the Father in prayer.

(image found here)

"It is in the paths of intercessory prayer that we enter the richest fields of spiritual growth and gather priceless riches.  To pray for others is of divine appointment, and it  represents the highest form of christian service." ~E.M.Bounds (1835-1913)

"And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.  With this in mind, be alert and always keep praying for all the saints."
Ephesians 6:18


LindyLou said...

So good!!!

Anonymous said...

no request too small for our God!

always needed to remind myself of that....

Hi Kooky said...

Just found this little treasure - love what you're doing here. You're words are really encouraging. Thank you for sharing!